
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

„We have an ongoing racist serial-killing spree”

2010. október 25. 17:05

We have an ongoing racist serial-killing spree happening in my country which has not ended. Interview.

2010. október 25. 17:05

„- What message are you looking to bring on your visit to the United States?

- This is the biggest opportunity I've had to request help [from the U.S. government] to combat hate crimes in Hungary. We have an ongoing racist serial-killing spree happening in my country which has not ended. The FBI cooperated with the Hungarian police in the investigation. That cooperation was very successful and that's why they caught the killers. Four perpetrators were caught last August. But even since they've been caught, the hate crimes [against Roma] are continuing. The police have found six dead bodies and nine instances where Molotov cocktails have been thrown at houses. And according to my research, there have been at least three times the amount of attacks than what the police have reported.

Now, [far-right political party] Jobbik, who received 15 percent of the vote in last year's parliamentary elections are promoting the idea of «gypsy crime» and the whole atmosphere in my country is unbelievable. It's not comfortable for a Romany person to live in Hungary. (...)

- How have the open borders in the EU changed life for your community?

- People thought that they could have a better life in the West. Instead they experience discrimination, exclusion, having their kids taken away from them by authorities. It's worse for us today than it was when the border was closed under communism.”

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2010. október 29. 09:45
Meg van bolondulva mint Emese a Kipál számban. She drives crazy herself, like Emese in the Kispals sound.
2010. október 28. 22:59
Ms Mohácsy, you probably "know damn right", that every so called nationwide preconception has something to do with a personal experience. the actual disrespect which surrounds the gypsies in hungary, is generated by the fact, that a smaller but louder part of the roma peope does not want to fit into the rest of the country, but they are accepting or better say demanding the financial and social support from the very same community they want to be distinguished from. it's not always black and white, nor it is about poor or skin colour. it's really about some viral symbiosis, which grown out of nothing during the last 20 years, the total refusal of the so called "normal way" of living, which includes work, tax, learning and responsibility. both for the family as well for the rest of the community. some say, the gypsies somehow just fail to realize, that there have been a change in the country, and it was 20 years ago. and the old songs are not valid anymore. as long as the gypsy community is not distancing itself from the criminal ones, and does not accept the rules and laws which are valid for all hungarian citizens, there won't be any progress. whining around in national and foreign newspapers about discrimination and racism does not solve anything. talking to your fellow romas, making them understand the real situation, now that would help a lot. However, in a real racist county, minorities do not have political representation, or any media presence. they couldn't have their own radio channel, or won't be writing for various newspapers. Believe me, if there *were* any serious, racially motivated "execution gangs" in our country, hunting for romas, you've been already slaughtered by them in the first place.
2010. október 28. 18:23
Ok people don't worry this bitch is lieing. And please not read the local bullshit newspapers from hungari,couse all off them is pure lie ,they just running about cliks,,,,you know"couse the sponsor money.....most what they "talk just simple LIE" Nobody kill gipsie's ,,,,that hapend in one thime BUT IS FINISH OVER DONE
2010. október 28. 14:32
Honey, please, come to your right senses and check out the facts of what you are talking about. Would it be too much to ask for from a proud Hungarian Roma women like yourself visiting abroad?
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