
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Párizs a divat fővárosa

2018. december 11. 09:53

Párizs 2018. őszi-téli kollekció.

2018. december 11. 09:53

„Az úr a pokolban is úr.”


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2018. december 12. 18:34
"HANA GIRL 2 days ago 3) -people decided to protest on Champs Elisees instead...and a lot was distroyed. -the gouvernment said that nothing will change... -the media said that there was no point protesting, the gouvernment will always stay firm - so the people decided to go back to Paris---this was called "Yellow vests, act III" - the media showed how the gouvernment was securing the Champs Elisees, people would be checked, street filtred, blocked so that Paris stays safe....and they did all that - but the people stood outside Champs Elisees mainly this time and...a lot was destroyed again...L'Arc de Triomph damaged, cars burned, stores stollen...KO everywhere....and the other big town were not saved, Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes... -Still, between 70 and 80% of French supported the protest.. - now, the government said that this tax will be stopped along with other taxes : all taxes about cars, electricity, gaz...will not raise like they should have in 2019...the gouvernment will financially help people who need to drive over 20min to get to work, they will also help people who have an old car to change it for a more recent one by giving them 4000E. -but it s too late now, because as I explained, people have come together and talked about the system and learned about numbers...about the money distributed to the richest and money taxed on the poorest... I WILL TELL YOU THE REST IN number 4) ok? xoxo HANA GIRL 2 days ago 4) it s been 3 weeks. The yellow vests have created a list of demands online that keeps growing for the last 2 weeks : - get back the 100 billion euros from tax heavens - remove the tax raise on pensions for old people - no homeless people - raise minimum wage - income tax better sprade, midle class is paying to much - stop killing small business with shopping malls - transports for all (villages, small towns...) - thermal isolation for homes - help small busness, not multinationals -reduce taxes for small business - mc donalds, starbucks, amazon, carrefour, google ....need to pay taxes too - protect french industries.... - stop austerity policy (people are realising where the nationnal dept comes from...the BANKS!!) - control immigartion, work on the reason of immigration.... -..... - and mainly WE WANT A RIC. Referundom Citizen Initiative, meaning that we want to vote ourself, be able to revoke our representents, decide everything !!!!! so we want power to the people, fiscal justice, social justice. next on 5). xoxo HANA GIRL 2 days ago 5) - the media says that we are politically FAR RIGHT, FAR LEFT, extremists, violent... all yellow vests interviewed say that they don t care about RIGHT or LEFT, that they just have a hard time living. - the media show us yellow vest, agressive to migrants - yellow vests death threatning other yellow vests - yellow vests hurting police - yellow vests hurting each other.... - ... - the yellow vests keep saying, "we don t care about politics, we don t belong anywhere" they don get they keep growing.. - the truth is, the yellow vests are everyone including violent people. All fighting together for a better life - for decades, we ve been loosing our social rights, and Macron, continues hurting us, in just 18 months, he : - reduced the budgets on hospitals, education, health, pensions..., justice - incrised many taxes - eliminated taxes on stock options, wealth, exit tax - introduced the Flat Tax for big companies... - privatasing rail ways, the lottery, aeroports, hydroelectric dams..... - billions going to the wealthiest while public services are going down, the country is getting privatised. - in 18 month he managed to piss off everybody, they are all wearing a yellow vest, lowers, doctors, teachers, students, retired people, unemployed, farmers even high school kids are joining meanwhile, on number 6) Show less HANA GIRL 1 day ago 6) This is what we dealing with. These images are from a media free from finance. No publicity. Public "famous" people have created this media to fight sencure , so fake news is not possible. This media is left wing politicaly.
2018. december 12. 18:34
"HANA GIRL 2 days ago It s me, the french yellow vest again. À comment asked for the reason of our révolte. . The gouvernement annouced a tax raise en the fuel, . But before that electricity, gaz, transports, cigarettes, health insurrance....lots more have raised again and again. .and à women made à vidéo on Facebook telling off our gouvernement for taxing us too much..."where does the money go" etc etc. It was watched millions of time, . An other women started a pétition on a plateforme called CHANGE.ORG against this last fuel tax raise, it was à success . On Facebook à group called for a protest Waring a yellow vest .thats how people star going out on roundabouts .meanwhile, the gouvernement said that nothing will change . So people on Facebook decided to go to Paris .the gouvernement told us to protest on a place called "Champs de mars" I HAVE TO GO I LL TELL YOU THE REST LATER
2018. december 12. 18:33
Idézet következik egy tüntetőtől: "HANA GIRL 3 days ago I am a yellow vest. French. Please excuse my writing. This vidéo is an extreme short cut. We went out to slow trafic in the roundabouts, to protest. We started to talk to each other, and we learned about numbers, officiel documents. We checked, learned some more....kept going out everyday to meet new people with new stories, new insites,... So you check again, and again, and we found out what was the reason of our condition. Now we want Macron and all he représents out. So many people, in so many small town went to Paris every saturday. Macron backed down because the whole système is falling appart, we want a new constitution, new rules, our rules. People s rules. We want tax justice and social justice. I am sorry, i know this isnt clear, it s too long to explain. I know there is violence on TV, but there is so much love too out in the streets, the roundabouts. The french are reunited these days. They have hope, found frenship, Brotherhood... All the best for you, the british people. I use to spend a week in London during christmas. Maybe next year. I love the british people, you are nice
2018. december 11. 18:10
Ha majd a guillotine jön divatba!
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