21:002024. június 14.
15:002024. június 15.

Hungary-bashers should take closer look at new laws

2013. április 05. 13:09

Let us look in more detail at the allegations which appear in Verhofstadt’s text.

2013. április 05. 13:09
György Schöpflin

"Alde group leader Guy Verhofstadt in a recent piece in EUobserver denounces the Hungarian government and all its works.

He uses loaded language - “last straw … Orbanization … radically curtailed” - and he calls for Article 7 proceedings, or the suspension of my country's voting rights in the EU Council.

It is part of a chorus of recent Hungary-bashing.

But let us look in more detail at the allegations which appear in Verhofstadt’s text.

He says there are "some highly controversial laws which have restricted media freedom."

No evidence is presented to sustain this charge. In reality, there is none. The European Commission and the Council of Europe have investigated the state of the media and have accepted that it operates under conditions of freedom.

Here is the conclusion of the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission: “The Hungarian law on self-determination and freedom of information (Act CXII/2011, of 1 June 2012) may be considered, as a whole, as complying with the applicable European and international standards.”"

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2013. április 11. 01:55
Representative Mr. Schöpflin is way too well mannered and way more educated on the issues Verhofstad dared to address. This relentless and often blind anti-Hungarian campaign doesn't have another clear objective but to harm and damage the elected government of Hungary, which enjoys a very steady electoral support, despite the dire financial, economic and social troubles the EU had dumped on us. We are under budgetary procedure? So is Belgium, for about the last 10 years! Who dares to harass that nation? Nobody! We achieved a 2% budgetary deficit, not 3%, no, not good enough, while France, Great Britain can't even dream of it! The left-liberal leaders of the EU demonstrate the most blatant double standards imaginable on any issues concerning Hungary, yet ignore them altogether when the same issues emerge with other member states governed by their "friends". Let us not forget, who run the EU in 2006-2008-2010? Are these Holy High Commissioners all immune to scrutiny, responsible for nothing and to nobody? Are they accountable or liable for any wrongdoing? The real question is, who is really running the EU, and what are the real objectives of this non-existing entity?
Dirges of Hope
2013. április 11. 01:28
Hungary-bashers should take closer look at new laws... ...to see that they should bash even harder. And rightly so.
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